Ik ben aan het voorbereiden om nog eens een toernooike te organiseren deze zomer (eens dat de campaign gedaan is). Maar ik zou het niet te gecompliceerd maken. Voor de moment ben ik op het volgende gekomen van structuur:
Army ListMake a 1750 list using one Force Organisation Chart. The use of allies is not allowed (Inquisition may off course use inducted imperial guard or space marine units). We will be using the 5th edition 40k rules. You are allowed to use special characters. For easy of calculating victory points (see below) each player is encouraged to calculate and write down full and half victory points for each unit on his army list.
Game LengthAfter turn 5 roll a d6. On a 3+ the game moves to turn 6.
After turn 6 roll a d6. On a 4+ the game moves to turn 7.
After turn 7 the game ends automatically.
Alternatively the game ends immediately when the tournament judge says that time has elapsed. Players should not begin a new turn if there is insufficient time remaining to complete the turn. Last round will be called 30-45 minutes before the Round’s deadline.
Battle PointsBattle points will be used to rank the players between rounds. Based on this ranking, the players will face off in the second and third round.
Difference in battle points
20 Masacre
15 Major Victory
10 Minor Victory
5 Winning / Losing Draw
0 Draw
If a player succeeds in a wipe-out (or phase-out in the case of Necrons), he doesn’t gain maximum battle points for all missions (although he will get maximum points for Kill Points and Victory Points). His opponent retains battle points earned prior to the wipe-out.
RoundsSet Up: After table sides are chosen but before Deployment, an objective marker is placed in the center of the board. Both players then alternately place two additional objective markers, maximum one in each table quarter, starting with the player who got to choose table sides. Objectives need to be placed 12" from each other and at least 6" from a board edge. Terrain will be preset on each table and the players are not allowed to move the terrain.
Missions: Each player can earn battlepoints for destroying enemy units and holding objectives. Each uncontested objective held by a scoring troop earns 3 battlepoints. A unit cannot hold more than one objective. You can hold an objective by having a scoring unit within 6 inch of the centre of an objective marker while your opponent does not have any unit within that radius. Each kill point is also worth 1 battlepoint. If your force holds 10 or less kill points, each unit is worth 2 kill points to your opponent. In addition, for every 250 victory points you destroy of your opponents force, you gain an additional battlepoint. Also calculate the cost for partially destroyed units: Units that number half the models or less at the end of the battle, give up half of their victory points. Multi-wound single model units (independent characters, monstrous creatures, …) give up half of their victory point value if they suffered at least one wound. Vehicles (including walkers) that are immobilized at the end of the battle give up full victory points. Vehicles (including walkers) that have lost at least one weapon give up half of their victory points.
Round 1: Deployment is Pitched Battle. If the center objective is held, it counts double this round.
Round 2: Deployment is Spearhead. Objectives held in your own deployment zone count double this round.
Round 3: Deployment is Dawn of War. Objectives held in your opponents deployment zone count double this round. The center objective counts as being in both deployment zones.
Dit zorgt er voor dat elke battle gelijkaardig is zonder ingewikkelde scenarios. Tussen elke battle zit wel nog genoeg verschil (zowel door deployment als voor tactiek) om niet te repetitief te zijn en elk type leger kan gaan voor zijn eigen sterke tactieken (objectives of kill points).
Natuurlijk wil ik dit formaat eerst eens playtesten. Wie zin heeft en wie binnenkort een casual game gepland heeft, speel gerust dit eens en laat mij weten wat je er van vond en wat de resultaten waren in battle points! Het is soms moeilijk in te schatten wat dit zal geven
Wie ergens gaten ziet in mijn logica (of gebrek daar aan), commentaar is welkom!
Daarnaast heb ik ook nog enkele vragen:
- 1750 punten of meer of minder ?
- special characters ja of neen (of met beperking) ?
- enkel hermelijn spelers of publiceren we dit ook naar andere clubs/internet?