While Algaris still remains a boring planet where nothing special is going on, a Mechanicum exploration fleet, led by Magos Coeradh Ogitator emerged from the mandeville point at Liam Tor. Instead of exterminating the planet from orbit Magos Coenradh concucts a cunning plan and immediately makes planet fall. By positioning his forces between the strange giant mushroom the indigenous little blue creatures build, he cuts of the planetary defence force from their stronghold. Denying them their only means of salvation. But instead of surrendering and submitting themselves to the will of the Omnissiah the treacherous foe decides to strike back. A fatal mistake...
The little blue people, now identified as the degenerate offspring of the once brilliant son of the Emperor, drop like fiery comets from the sky and surprise the servants of the Omnissiah for about 3.5 milliseconds. Effectively taking first turn. But alas to no avail. They quickly realize that using flamers under water is as useful as building a fortification and not manning the walls. So while staying out of range of the potent weapons set up on the other side of the battlefield C. Ogitator quickly mops up the freshly landed troops. Taking first and second blood.
But the blue tide keeps on coming. Their Warlord, now identified as Padewanneke, peddles like crazy to a strange yellow duck floating in the middle of the battlefield while the heavy weapons team descends from the 3th floor of a ruin nearby. And another flamer team drops with a big bang from the sky showering the puzzled robots with a giant curtain of... water. Meanwhile Padewanneke decides to pick up the duck and shouts out: "This duck is mine!"
Being not from yesterday, C. Ogitator decides it's time to bring in some reinforcements of his own. A strange buzzing noice drowns out all other sounds and all eyes turn to the newcomer. The 13th maniple forces erupt in cheers (beep beep) as the venerable Vultarax gracefully swoops the battlefield unleashing a storm of rockets on the heavy weapons team in the ruin. Reducing them to a trail of vapor gently dissipating in the sky. Taking 3th blood.
Ogitator and his giant bodyguard decide they want the duck for themselves and charge Padewanneke. Trying to hold his head above water while balancing a yellow duck on his giant powerfist, Padewanneke and his unit are no match for the trained killers and they perish without glory. As he slowly sinks to the bottom of the 3 inch of water Paddewanneke takes one last look at his giant mushroom and realizes all his peoples hopes are now crushed. Ogitator takes 4th and 5th blood and warlord kill.
Time for the mop up. C. Ogitaor sends the duck to safety and directs his forces to finish up the last remaining squad and their transport and drop pods. Obliterating any presence of the enemy, except for an unopened mystery book found on the mangled body of Padewanneke.
With no opposition left C. Ogitator beeps out: "To the mushroom!" "And don't forget the duck!"