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 Battle Reports

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von carstein
8 plaatsers
Tower Master

Aantal berichten : 218
Registration date : 26-04-09
Leeftijd : 34
Woonplaats : Aalst

Battle Reports Empty
BerichtOnderwerp: Battle Reports   Battle Reports Emptydo aug 05, 2010 9:40 pm

Ik wil een topic openen omdat er veel gespeeld wordt in de hermelijn maar geen battle reports worden gedaan. Ikzelf ga hiermee beginnen met foto's een background en verslag van elken battle dat ik speel wees vrij om dat ook te doen!
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Malekith's Best Friend

Aantal berichten : 2193
Registration date : 15-07-09
Leeftijd : 44
Woonplaats : Lede

Battle Reports Empty
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: Battle Reports   Battle Reports Emptyzo aug 08, 2010 12:47 am

U vraagt, wij draaien ...

't is maar een eerste poging. Ik heb geen notas genomen dus 't kan hier en daar een foutje in het battle report staan. 'k heb een poging gedaan om wat kleurencodes te gebruiken. Blauw is movement, oranje schooting. Rood is movement uit een vorige turn (zie uitleg) en geel is shooting uit een vorige turn (zie uitleg).

Paint & Battle Campaign battle
Blood Angels (Jeroen) vs Blood Angels (Arno)

Mission: Annihilation
Deployment: Pitched Battle

Battle Reports 0deployment

Ik zet al mijn transports en tanks zo ver mogelijk naar voor en hou mijn baal predator in reserves zodat die zijn scout abilty kan gebruiken om langs de zijkant op tafel te komen. Arno deployed zijn tactical en devastator marines en zijn tanks. Hij houdt Dante met sanguinary guard en 10 assault marines in reservers om te deep striken.

Battle Reports 1ajeroen

Arno faalt de seize initiative. Ik laat mijn fast transports vooruit vliegen. Ik blokkeer daarmee wel het schootsvelt van mijn vindicator naar zijn landraider dus die kiest dan maar zo ver mogelijk vooruit te bewegen en zoekt cover op. De hunter killer missile op mijn tactical rhino doet niets. De lascannon predator die buiten beeld staat doet ook niets belangrijks. Ik vergeet smoke te launchen op al mijn transports Sad
Jeroen 0 KP - Arno: 0 KP

Battle Reports 1barno

Arno schiet in zijn beurt op mijn transports en schiet er overal een wapen af. Als ek mij niet vergis slagen zijn devastators er niet in om iets tegen mijn vindicator te doen.
Jeroen: 0 KP - Arno: 0 KP

Battle Reports 2ajeroen

In beurt twee gaan mijn transports nogmaals vooruit. De shots van de predator en de vindicator schieten deze keer wel het kanon van Arno's vindicator. De missile launcher in de tactical rhino schiet wakker (vorige beurt vergeten) en schiet op de landraider. Ik denk dat ik er toen de multimelta afgeschoten heb.
Jeroen: 0 KP - Arno: 0 KP

Battle Reports 2barno

De assault marines komen toe via deep strike. Ik was vergeten rollen voor mijn reserves. Arno laat toe dat ik toch nog rol. De baal predator komt langs de linkerkant op tafel (zonder shooting). Arno moved zijnen landraider aan de kant. Zijn vindicator ramt mijn assault rhino en die ontploft! Hier ga ik even de mist in en plaats de inhoud van de razorback op tafel ipv de inhoud van de rhino. We zetten dit even later wel weer correct maar op de foto staat het nog verkeerd. Met zijn landraider schiet hij op de assault marines. In de explosie en de shooting sterven een paar marines. De devastators en de assault marines schieten op de vindicator en die verliest ook zijn kanon.
Jeroen: 0 KP - Arno: 1 KP

Battle Reports 3ajeroen

Mijn assault marines lopen even rond het rotsblok en schieten op zijn vindicator. Ik denk dat ik er dan de bolter afgeschoten heb. De wapenloze razorback gaat vooruit en de assault marines disembarken. Deze schieten met één meltashot de landraider aan digelen. De Baal predator schiet op de unit die uit de landraider kwam en er vallen enkele slachtoffers. Mijn tactical marines disembarken en moven door difficult terrain tot in rapid fire range van arno's assault marines. Spijtig genoeg zonder veel resultaat. De vindicator wijkt uit en zet zich gereed voor een tankshock. De death company disembarkt, schooten en assaulten zijn tactical marines in het bos. De marines gaan lopen maar worden ingehaald en dankzij They Shall Know No Fear gaat de combat gewoon verder.
Jeroen: 1 KP - Arno: 1 KP

Battle Reports 3barno

Arno probeert nogmaals eens te rammen/tank shocken met zijn vindicator maar zonder resultaat deze keer. Zijn tactical marines schieten op mijn klein assault squad. Zijn devastators schieten op mijn vindicator zonder resultaat. Zijn assault marines moven dichter en assaulten mijn tacticals. De slachtpartij begint. De DC en de tacticals vechten nog een ronde. Er staan daarna nog drie van de tien tacticals. Ik denk dat er twee DC gesneuveld zijn tot nu toe.
Jeroen: 1 KP - Arno: 1 KP

Battle Reports 4ajeroen

De Baal predator, de razorback met priest en de kleine assault squad moven dichter bij zijn tactical squad en schieten die dan aan stukken. De overschot wordt geassault en sterft. De assault squad consolideert richting de devastators. Mijn vindicator tank shocked de devastators die aan de kant gaan tot in het gebouw. Mijn predator wrecked arno's vindicator. De DC verslaan de laatste tactical marines en consolideren in de richting van zijn assault marines. Mijn andere assault marines bewegen ook richting zijn assault marines. Hij slacht nog een paar van mijn tactical marines af.
Jeroen: 4 KP - Arno: 1 KP

Battle Reports 4barno

Zijn tactical marines verslaan de laatste van mijn tactical marines en consolideren dichter bij mijn tactical rhino. Zijn devastators schieten op mijn vindicator en als ik mij niet vergis ontploft een van zijn plasmas. De vindicator krijgt geen damage. Zelfs op beurt vier hebben Dante en de sanguinary guard (een derde van Arno's leger) geen zin om op tafel te komen!
Jeroen: 4 KP - Arno: 2 KP

Battle Reports 5ajeroen

Mijn tactical rhino maakt dat hij wegkomt. De meeste van mijn troepen staan nu te ver van de assault marines en proberen zo dicht mogelijk te geraken, zelfs door te runnen in de shooting phase. Wat daarna nog kan schieten, doet dit, maar met weinig resultaat. Mijn kleine unit assault marines blijft langzaam maar zeker richting de devastators gaan. Mijn vindicator zet zich nogmaals klaar om te tank shocken.
Jeroen: 4 KP - Arno: 2 KP

Na beurt vijf van Arno ben ik blijkbaar een foto vergeten nemen. Ik heb alles aangeduid op de foto van mijn beurt zes. Dante en Sanguinary Guard komen te voorschijn. Arno twijfelt lang over waar ze te plaatsen. Aangezien alle support weg is, en met achterstand in kill points, is dit een belangrijke beslissing. Ze komen uiteindelijk tevoorschijn achter mijn baal predator en blazen deze onmiddellijk ook op. Arno laat zijn assault marines hun jump packs gebruiken en kiest voor de DC als target. Maar de dangerous terrain tests kosten hem twee marines. Hij shoot en assault mijn DC en maakt enkele casualties maar deze vernietigen zijn assault marines in close combat. Mijn DC consolideren richting Dante en sanguinary guard.
Jeroen: 5 KP - Arno: 3 KP

Battle Reports 6ajeroen

De kleine unit assault marines en de razorback moven dichter bij de devastators. Mijn vindicator tankshocked lossendoor het gebouw en Arno faalt de leadership test van zijn devastators. Deze lopen richting zijn board edge. Mijn DC en assault marines draaien hun nogmaals om en lopen terug in de richting van Dante en gevolg. De predator en mijn reclusiarch schieten eens op arno's nieuwe unit zonder veel gevolg.
Jeroen: 5 KP - Arno: 3 KP

Battle Reports 6a2jeroen
Battle Reports 6barno

Arno's devastators zijn spijtig genoeg binnen range van mijn units en lopen verplicht verder, recht van tafel. Dante en de sanguinary guard slagen er nog in om mijn reclusiarch en laatste DC te doden. Tot Arno's spijt komt er geen beurt 7.
Jeroen: 6 KP - Arno: 5 KP

Win voor de blood angels (doh!)
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von carstein
von carstein

Aantal berichten : 137
Registration date : 17-12-08
Leeftijd : 28
Woonplaats : aalst

Battle Reports Empty
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: Battle Reports   Battle Reports Emptyzo aug 08, 2010 1:16 am

waw bounce ik vind dit persoonlijk een echt heel leuke battle report je kan alles goed volgende op de fotows proficiat ;D cheers
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Tower Master

Aantal berichten : 218
Registration date : 26-04-09
Leeftijd : 34
Woonplaats : Aalst

Battle Reports Empty
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: Battle Reports   Battle Reports Emptyzo aug 08, 2010 1:47 am

goed gedaan! de kleurencombinatie is goed gevonden hoop dat er nog veel BR komen
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Malekith's Best Friend

Aantal berichten : 1344
Registration date : 16-10-08
Leeftijd : 36
Woonplaats : Aalst

Battle Reports Empty
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: Battle Reports   Battle Reports Emptyzo aug 08, 2010 11:50 am

Ja, zoiets is altijd leuk om lezen, en er valt af en toe wel eens iets uit te leren.
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Crone Hellebron

Aantal berichten : 563
Registration date : 26-10-08

Battle Reports Empty
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: Battle Reports   Battle Reports Emptyma aug 09, 2010 12:36 pm

aan die foto's ziet ge maar weer eens hoe blood angels invloed krijgen van orks... na al hun vehicles rood geverfd te hebben om rapper te gaan hebben ze nu ook al killa kans, maar in high gothic wordt da dan cola cans Laughing .

Space marines hebben het gemakkelijk - die hebben serfs om battle reports te schrijven en battle barges om foto's te maken vanuit high orbit, ne guardsman heeft die luxe niet Razz .

Ik zal ook eens een battle report maken ... als ek er goesting in heb Smile
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Tower Master

Aantal berichten : 218
Registration date : 26-04-09
Leeftijd : 34
Woonplaats : Aalst

Battle Reports Empty
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: Battle Reports   Battle Reports Emptyma aug 09, 2010 8:31 pm

bij de imperial guard lopen er genoeg rond die een report kunnen schrijven of da ze nu kannonfodder zijn of battle report schrijven nobody cares:)
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Crone Hellebron

Aantal berichten : 563
Registration date : 26-10-08

Battle Reports Empty
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: Battle Reports   Battle Reports Emptydi aug 10, 2010 12:11 am

probeert da maar eens aan de commissar wijs te maken silent . De laatste guardsman die ek ne report liet schrijven stond opeens aan de verkeerde kant van nen bolt pistol loop... Ik denk niet dat er iets voorbij de censuur gaat geraken; een voorbeeldje:

de autocannons schoten op de traitor rhino, maar alle schoten ketsten af en elke round vond zijn doel.

de flak armour was niet genoeg om de schoten tegen te houden, en in 1 salvo stierven 20 man gezegend door the Emperor, en geen enkel schot van de vijand raakte ook maar één servant van the Imperium. The Emperor protects!

De battlesuits van de vijand waren goed bepantserd, en zwaar bewapend, wat de vooruitgang sterk vertraagde tot een stilstand zwak in vergelijking met de machtige flak armour, en hun wapens, die constant vastliepen en ontploften, waren minderwaardig aan het krachtigste wapen van het Imperium, de gezegende lasgun.
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Quick Ben
Quick Ben

Aantal berichten : 165
Registration date : 09-05-11
Leeftijd : 31
Woonplaats : Affligem

Battle Reports Empty
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: Battle Reports   Battle Reports Emptyma mei 16, 2011 10:08 pm

Ik heb bij wijze van experiment een week of twee geleden eens een battle report geschreven over mijn derde match, twas Tyranids tegen Salamanders bij mij thuis. Ik heb het in feite in verhaalvorm gegoten + tis geschreven int Engels, dus geniet ervan zou ik zeggen :p

The Pale Incident

We had only just touched down and disembarked from our Thunderhawk gunship when the distress call reached us. It was a cool summer’s day on the ravaged planet of Pale, a world only recently liberated from the horrific influence of the ruinous powers and their traitorous bastards. A garbled transmission, a cry for help reached our Chapter Master’s ear, and on our honour as Salamanders, we we’re obliged to answer it. So it was that we set out as a small escort force to accompany Tu’Shan and to relieve those in dire need.

 The field had 5 points of interest: a central building towered over the battlefield, providing shelter and protection, two similar buildings, yet smaller, we’re placed in a symmetrical fashion, each one slightly positioned away from the middle and more to the side of each player. Finally, a tree and part of a broken wall made a square with the two smaller buildings.
 The Salamanders we’re set up as a wedge, with the rhino as spearhead, sternguards behind it, combat squads on the left flank and dreadnought on the right. A combat squad with missile launcher was rearguard and the other one completely occupied the building on the right. Vanguard Veterans and Terminators we’re held in reserve.
 The vile reptiles we’re spread out, hormagaunts and venomtropes took advance positions, Hive Tyrant and Termagants we’re seen behind the broken wall. Of the Trygon, warriors and ripper swarms there was no trace at all.

We had drawn close to the source of the distress calls when suddenly came the order to halt. Our scouts in the Ashen Steed had picked up some strange readings on their auspex. From behind the tower we could see faint wisps of some purplish miasma. Tu’Shan immediately realised the danger, and from the voxcasters in our battle-helm we could hear his orders clearly: “Ambush, Tyranid foe, form combat squads, Aegis pattern!” A split second later, my comm. flared to life again when my sergeant broadcasted: “Brother X’Andor, you’re acting sergeant, position your squad with the missile launcher in those ruins, permission to fire at will.”

1st Turn
 Hive Tyrant (HT) kills 2 Sternguard Veterans with venom cannon; Genestealers assault and explode the Rhino, slaying 1 scout. Other nids advance.
 Orbital Bombardment completely misses, frag missile fired from tower hits and kills 4 hormagaunts, Genestealer reduced to ashes when every other unit shoots, krak missile fired at HT has no effect.

I had barely reached our target when I heard screams followed by a booming explosion. Hastily climbing to the second floor I saw that our Rhino had gone up in flames and that two of our veterans had fallen to a venom cannon blast, barely Tu’Shan had survived. My vantage point now granted me a clear view of the battlefield. I saw a purplish cloud close to the ruined tower, genestealers close to our battle-brothers, apparently they had hid in the tower, and a lumbering tyrant towering over a mass of termagants. Quickly I instructed my battle brother on the roof to fire a fragger into the cloud and added to the screeching missile the angry barking of my own blessed bolter, we we’re rewarded with blood-curdling screams. Through the vox I once again heard the Chapter Master: “Into the fires of battle!” “Unto the anvil of war!” We answered as one, the courtyard lit up as hell was unleashed and the overconfident genestealers we’re drowned in a storm of bolts, melta-flares and promethium. A lone missile barrelled towards the Hive Tyrant, but the immense beast simply shrugged.

2nd Turn
 Trygon and Mycetic spore with Warriors deep strike, Trygon appears to the right of the smaller tower, Spore lands close to the tree, Trygon shoots the tower and fails, the warriors can’t kill anyone at range, Hormagaunts and venomtropes lurk in the ruins.
 Vanguard veterans land and assault Termagants with a 8 to 1 K/D, a missile destroys the Mycetic spore, Warriors fall due to superior firepower, a wayward missile misses the Trygon

Suddenly the ground trembled and the earth split open as a massive Trygon Prime appeared next to our tower, we quickly took cover to avoid its spray of electrified razor-spines, our reflexes and armour saving our lives. Then the sky darkened, a huge spore blotting out the sun, from its vile belly Tyranid warriors sprung forth, eager to kill. Mercifully our Salamander power armour was more than a match for their xenotech. We answered this blasphemy with righteous fury and the powerful creatures fell to bolter and melta. Even in our tower we heard Venerable Brother Ignitius’ booming voice fill the air “Burn the Xenos!” Recovered from our surprise, we opened fire on the foul snake, but its armoured hide proved too strong even our missile. In the distance I heard our battlecry ad I could see our vanguard veterans engaged in a bloody melee with the Termagants.

3rd Turn
 Rippers appear through tunnels and manage to kill 1 marine, Trygon engages Dreadnought and a long duel begins, Hive Tyrant shoots at tower and kills one, Hormagaunts dash forward and kill 3 Vanguard Veterans, Hive Tyrants lumbers into close combat with the vanguards and eradicates them. Chapter Masters managed to kill 3 hormagaunts after retreating a short distance
 Terminators arrive via teleporting and together with the scouts they kill the venomtropes, shots are fired at the rippers, but no casualties, combat squads rush to Tu’Shan’s aid and kill the hormagaunts

Now the battle was reaching its apex, I saw the gaunts leap forward, trapping the honoured veterans in close combat and killing them, another scream from behind when a battle-brother was lost to the spinefists of puny rippers. In the distance, the Tyrant tore through our veterans, their gene seed forever lost to the Tyranid bio-poisons. A flash, thunderbolts heralded the arrival of our most honourable battle-brothers, who, together with the remaining scouts lifted the veil of miasma, storm bolter and heavy bolter screaming with rage. Both of our sergeants rushed to the aid of Tu’Shan, and caught between hammer and anvil, they fell in the blink of an eye. With astonishing speed, the serpentine Trygon slithered towards Ignitius and a breath-taking took place before our eyes. Employing skills honed over centuries of warfare and his adamantium body, Ignitius endured the numerous slashes and claws of the Xeno, finally wounding the great beast with his powerfist.

4th Turn and following Turns

Chilling realisation dawned upon us that this was not a battle we could win, wounded but alive, Tu’Shan gave the order to retreat. Before I could give the order to fall back, a venom cannon hit our ruin, and I saw brother Kasperius fall, completely covered in corrosive poison. With cries of rage and screaming bolters we gave word to our grief, slaying the remaining termagants. A primal scream erupted from the Trygon when it tore of the Dreadnought’s multi-melta and powerfist. Unflinchingly, Ignitius managed to kick the serpent where it hurts before his legs we’re scythed off, rendering him completely helpless. Turning its attention to our other squads, the Trygon once again fire his containment spines and our scouts fell, pierced with a thousand needles. Lightning fast, the beast was suddenly among the remaining Bridgeburners and all save their sergeant fell to its scything claws. When we finally turned to tactically retreat from our tower, we saw that only a single marine had held out against the rippers. Quickly falling back, the Sons of the Forgefather and Bonehunters giving their lives to buy Tu’Shan the precious time to escape. The Tyranids had won a victory, but it was a costly one for only their Trygon and Hive Tyrant still walked.

The Pale Incident happened a more than a month ago, but it still haunts our dreams. But today, this will be the end. “Are you ready to bring down Vulkan’s wrath upon these foul Xenos, brother sergeant X’Andor?” Epistolary Mas’ Elu asked when I was strapping myself in my squad’s drop pod. Next to us Venerable Brother Ignitius, his shell only retrieved a few days ago, was waiting in his own drop pod. “They will taste promethium, brother librarian”. Pressure was released and we are burning fiery stripes in the atmosphere of Pale. With a thundering shock we hit the ground, and over the comm we hear Tu’Shan intone “Into the fires of battle!” The ramps fall down and all over Pale our battle-cry is heard:

“Unto the anvil of war!”
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Malekith's Best Friend

Aantal berichten : 2193
Registration date : 15-07-09
Leeftijd : 44
Woonplaats : Lede

Battle Reports Empty
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: Battle Reports   Battle Reports Emptyma mei 16, 2011 10:12 pm

Nice. goe gedaan ...
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Witch Elf

Aantal berichten : 115
Registration date : 13-05-10
Leeftijd : 28
Woonplaats : krieg

Battle Reports Empty
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: Battle Reports   Battle Reports Emptydi mei 17, 2011 5:40 pm

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Quick Ben
Quick Ben

Aantal berichten : 165
Registration date : 09-05-11
Leeftijd : 31
Woonplaats : Affligem

Battle Reports Empty
BerichtOnderwerp: The purification of Pannion   Battle Reports Emptywo aug 24, 2011 4:51 pm

Nog eentje van mijn Salamanders tegen Xander zijn nids. gespeeld op de 10de juli, en onlangs pas voltooid Very Happy
Tkost nogal wa tijdom ze op deze manier neer te pennen, dus ik verander waarschijnlijk van format voor de volgende keer, misschien ietsje minder verhaal en een beetje meer report (betere notities nemen en foto's nemen, ze waren nogal karig study )

The purification of Pannion
The captain was resting on his command chair, Wyrmslayer, his ancient blade lying next to him. He was watching the comm-screens as I entered the bridge of Burning Wrath, our strike cruiser. “Mas, you’re right on time, I’ve got news, old friend, grave news” “Right, as if there is any other kind of news these times, tell me brother-captain then, what this grave news holds.” “We are being recalled to the planet Pannion, there have been sightings of Tyranids who might belong to the elusive hive fleet Cell, and the imperial governor has petitioned Tu’Shan for my aid, the chapter master has granted this request” “So we just leave Aren to the Heralds of the Pain God? Those Duskwraiths have been raiding this planet for weeks now and I’m this close to predicting their efforts! Even worse, Boss Kasmikazi is on the rise, if we don’t squash that little grot now we could be dealing with a Waaagh of planetary proportions!” The chapter-master has commanded and we must answer, we are Salamanders after all.” “You sure it’s not you wanting revenge for the Pale incident years ago” My remark wasn’t meant as a jab, but he took it badly, perhaps indeed it is more than personal for him “You have your orders, Librarian,” The captain’s answered curtly “, we are translating to the warp in five.”

Pannion is another backwater, agricultural hole of the Imperium, It would seem. I was till on the bridge, the captain still on his throne, our battle-brothers we’re embarking on their Thunderhawks. Suddenly we we’re being hailed, from my position I could hear some of the codes, they we’re Salamander, without doubt, but couldn’t translate them. The captain quickly opened the vox, a look of surprise on his worn features. From the machine came forth a surprising soft voice “Into the fires of battle, brother-captain X’Andor” “Unto the anvil of war, Forgefather” X’Andor’s reply was barely a whisper, awed by the presence of a living legend. I too was dumbstruck, unable even to move.

I have a bad feeling about this, I can make out the Tyrant code-named War and his companion guard Vulgrim. The chittering of gaunts came from the distance. This felt wrong, not enough Tyranids we’re here, but the shadow in the warp I could feel alright, everything screams wrong, but everything I can see contradicts this, all is calm, no threat in sight. Wait, what if… I quickly stretched my warp-sense to the nearby bushes. Damned, stealers. “Ah, you found us, but too late, you are about to be our snack, we the Broodbrothers will devour you!” Get out of my head, overgrown cockroaches! Ah, the pain, their hunger,…

I can see more tyranids appearing, the shadow burgeons in my mind, paralyzing my limbs, numbing my mind, and in horror I stand here motionless, screams from our scouts tell me they had been spotted, and dread filled my veins. Still unable to move, I see the Broodbrothers break cover and sprint towards our position. Finally regaining some control over my muscles, my warning comes out slow and slurred; “ watch out, behind the bushes”, , and their charge was met with surprise and confusion, I saw a broodlord hypnotize battle-brother Zek before eviscerating him. Still drugged by their psychic presence, I fail to parry a crossway claw slash, pain flooding my nerves, aaaah, damn, fire in my vein, yes hold on to that, fire, the fires of battle, I am fire-born, son of Vulkan. Quickly, my psychic powers, my eyes burst into cerulean flames, I stood ready to annihilate those pesky stealers, “I am fire incarnate!”, pain blooming in my thigh, another claw, stuck deep in my power armour. “Retreat, retreat, the Librarian must be saved!” Wait, no, I can do this, I can still turn this battle. My arms grasped by my brothers, and suddenly the ground heaves and shakes as I am dragged past brother Ingnitius, our towering dreadnought. Pain, I can feel oblivion approaching on all sides, must not relent, never give up, never surrend………
Vulkan and his firedrakes sat in Sinn, the venerated Land Raider Redeemer of the 4th company. Even beside the mighty terminators of the 1st company Vulkan burned like a hero of legends, his flame eclipsing those of his company. ”We have almost arrived at our destination, Forgefather. It seems that Mas Elu and his squad have already engaged the foe and we’re forced to retreat. The Librarian is reportedly gravely wounded, but the apothecarium assures me he will live.” Sinn’s machine spirit possessed an almost child-like voice, eerily resembling a young girl. They could faintly hear the humming engine of their accompanying rhino.

Venerable Brother Ignitius mercilessly advanced upon the broodbrothers, his weapons whirring into readiness. Next to him strode five firedrakes, their storm bolters and cyclone missile launcher tracking the genestealers. “Burn the Xeno’s” Ignitius boomed and he let loose a torrent of promethium from his arm-mounted heavy flamer, his multi-melta spearing the vile broodlord. The rest of the pack was swiftly shredded in a hail of bolts and missiles. Over their heads, the assault squad arrived, discharging plasma and bolts mid-flight. Staggered by the furious assault, War and Vulgrim we’re not able to react properly. The Tyrants mighty swipes we’re dodged by the marines as they closed in, chainswords tearing through the weak spots of the guard and power fist smashing joints and legs. Animal panic overtook the beast as it fled from the onslaught

The sky suddenly darkened as Tyranid spores descend from the skies, spilling forth their vile contents. Zoanthropes emerged from the spore closest to the great tank. Psychic energy crackled along their elongated heads as they prepared to gut the ancient war machine. Whether it was dumb luck or the hand of Vulkan and the immortal emperor we do not know, but both the psychic lances went wide, the second one not an inch away from Sinn’s ceramite shell. “Be the anvil, become the hammer!” Vulkan shouted, and he and his terminators charged out of her plasteel belly, only to be greeted by the sight of two dead beasts, one gutted and ravaged by bolters and missile, the other melted to slag. Reacting quickly, Vulkan turned to the left and unleashed his gauntlet on the fortress to his left. His burst of fire combined with the roaring inferno spewing out of the flamestorm cannon and incarnated every gaunt it touched. Unfazed and still under the galvanizing influence of warriors, the hormagaunts leapt from the ledge onto the terminators, dragging one down with a storm of claw and teeth. His dead was bloodily avenged as thunder hammers were lifted high, smashing chitin and flesh with appalling ease. The ground shook and the earth trembled, a Trygon Prime erupted close to the fighting. It spiralled out of its emergence hole, lancing squad Alexstraza with blinding whips of electricity. After seeing three brethren fall, the sergeant decided to retreat, before they we’re all devoured by the vicious beast. The warriors, skulking ever closer, launched themselves at the terminators, skewering one on their claws. Vulkan quickly sprinted towards them, throwing his spear forwards. In his dash, he shouldered another gaunt and crushed one more beneath his armoured boot. The spear struck true, lodged fast in the bony carapace. Distracted, its skulls was promptly caved in, the others battered by blows from shields. An overhead swing dispatched their leader beast, but not before his talons found purchase in the bulky tactical dreadnought armour. Vulkan, still running, grabbed his relic weapon from the corpse and finished of the last warrior in one fluid motion. Heavily breathing, he and the last Terminator watched the great serpent slither forward, tearing apart the rhino and destroying Sinn’s treads. “We must escape brother, we cannot hold against this beast.” As if reading their minds, the monster suddenly switched its gaze towards them. “You go forgefather, I will avenge the fallen.” ”In Vulkan’s name, you will be remembered” The words came out soft, a lithe breeze playing over a field of grass, and the veteran of the 1st company nodded and turned to face the horror.

Venerable brother Ignitius quickly turned to the castle when his auto-sensors recorded the fall of a Tyranid spore. The gaunts spilling forth from its innards caught the assault marines unaware, they were hunting the fleeing Tyrant. Torrented by vicious spines and buried beneath horrible worms and beetles, our brothers and their geneseed we’re lost to the chapter. The Terminators answered, their blessed weapons giving voice to their outrage. Suddenly the Tyrant loomed over them, his whip wrapped around the chest of one of the veterans, his sword cutting the sergeant in half, tactical dreadnought armour offering no protection. But the great beast, weakened by its wound, could not resist the fury of the salamanders and blow after blow it sagged, until finally a mighty smash crushed its cranium, spilling grey matter and thought-blood. Their connection with the hive-mind shattered, the xenos reverted to their instinct and we’re easily rounded up. The Trygon prime, now identified as the great wyrm Sam'a'el, managed to escape, but not after severely damaging our vehicles and gutting the last firedrake.

Two years later…
The doors hissed open, and a cobalt giant emerged from the shadows. The Librarian slowly stepped towards the captain’s chair, nodding to the crew members of the strike cruiser. Arriving at the central dais, he lowered himself to his knees. “I am ready to fight once more, my captain.” Rise Mas, you’re my friend, not my servant.” Nodding, the psyker slowly raised and unclasped his helmet. I bring word from our chapter master, X’Andor. The Burning Wrath must make due haste towards Aren, the conflict there is escalating and our battle-brothers are in dire need of reinforcements.” Would that I could simply follow my liege’s orders, Mas, but alas I am torn between my duties.” How so, brother, a direct order from the chapter master leaves no room for interpretation.” Mas’ eyes flared for a moment with psychic fire, the hue changing from red to blue to blazing orange in an instant. “Our forgefather has requested the aid of me and my company, he believes their might be one of the nine on the planet of Optimus V, a daemonworld near the eye of terror that only recently escaped the trappings of the warp.
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Malekith's Best Friend

Aantal berichten : 2193
Registration date : 15-07-09
Leeftijd : 44
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Battle Reports Empty
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: Battle Reports   Battle Reports Emptyma okt 10, 2011 2:01 pm

'k ben vorige week mijn eigen army blog begonnen http://skyrarsdarkwolves.blogspot.com .

Je kan er de battle reports terugvinden van mijn P&B campaign battles. Ik hoop dat ik het volhoud en ze van alle battles uitschrijf. Ze zullen grotendeels kloppen maar 't kan zijn dat er hier en daar fouten in geslopen zijn. Ik heb geen foto's genomen dus 't was niet simpel om alle details te herinneren zonder referentiemateriaal.
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Philuz XIII
Master Assassin - Moderator
Philuz XIII

Aantal berichten : 1349
Registration date : 16-10-08
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Battle Reports Empty
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: Battle Reports   Battle Reports Emptyma okt 10, 2011 4:55 pm

cool :-)
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Quick Ben
Quick Ben

Aantal berichten : 165
Registration date : 09-05-11
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Battle Reports Empty
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: Battle Reports   Battle Reports Emptyma okt 10, 2011 7:28 pm

Nice :p, krijg zin om terug een reportje te schrijven Smile Wel me wa minder fluff, tduurde de laatste keer te lang scratch

"Into the fires of battle! unto the anvil of war!"
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Malekith's Best Friend

Aantal berichten : 2193
Registration date : 15-07-09
Leeftijd : 44
Woonplaats : Lede

Battle Reports Empty
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: Battle Reports   Battle Reports Emptyza okt 15, 2011 6:30 pm

battlereport van mijn campaign battle tegen Kris zijn necrons werd toegevoegd. Zelfs met een paar fotokes deze keer...

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Malekith's Best Friend

Aantal berichten : 2193
Registration date : 15-07-09
Leeftijd : 44
Woonplaats : Lede

Battle Reports Empty
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: Battle Reports   Battle Reports Emptydi jan 10, 2012 2:19 pm

Ik heb nog een paar battlereports toegevoegd aan mijn site. Vooral de twee laatste epische battles tegen Bart VM zijn Salamanders en Jonas zijn IG waren de moeite. Geen fotokes van die tegen Bart maar heeeel veel fotokes van de battle tegen Jonas. Enjoy !

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